عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 18-03-2014, 06:27 PM   #9
عضو مشارك
تاريخ التسجيل: 31-08-2010
الدولة: Egypt
المشاركات: 210
مشاركات الشكر: 15
شكر 236 مرات في 81 مشاركات

تم طرح نسخة بيتا جديدة برقم (18/03/2014) بالتحديثات التالية:

Full changelog:
•Added personalization from Evernote
•Added personalization from Google+ public posts
•Improved UI for emoji
•Improved emoji pane-switching performance
•New Themes selection menu

Bug fixes:
•Fixed mentioning people in Google+ posts
•Quick period after emoji now works
•Flow experience improved on layouts with main letters on secondary characters
•Switched email @ button back from @outlook.com to @hotmail.com
•Fixed problem with unsupported emoji being predicted (see a square in the prediction bar)
•Fixed problem with smartspace inserting spaces between words and punctuation
•Fixed several force closes and crashes
رابط التحميل

SwiftKey Beta_4.5.0.43

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