عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 07-03-2016, 09:08 AM   #101
عضو اساسي
الصورة الرمزية Nooruddeen
الرتبة الادارية: مشرف
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-04-2004
الدولة: KSA-المدينة
المشاركات: 16,058
مشاركات الشكر: 83,775
شكر 33,131 مرات في 10,195 مشاركات

الاوسمة التي حصل عليها

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة aboraide alhare مشاهدة المشاركة
لمحبي هذا الروم إصدار جديد
بتاريخ 06/03/2016
حجم الروم 306ميقا


رابط التحميل



تقبلو تحياتي....
شكرا لك على المتابعة والروابط ، وجزاك الله خيرا .

هذه تغييرات الإصدار v5-6-4

The Changelog

# ResurrectionRemix - v5.6.4 - 20160223

- Added back Multi Window feature
- Stock GCC Toolchain used by default now
- If maintainers want to use Uber or other custom toolchain, they can sync in local manifest
- Reverted to AOSP Setup Wizard
- RR Settings Categories organized
- SystemUI: Show lockscreen wallpaper if no album art is available
- QS: Show # of clients connected to hotspot
- Revert "Frameworks: Slim Shortcuts"
- LockScreen customization [color] improved.
- cmsdk: insert dnd & edit tiles for 12.1 -> 13.0 upgrade
- SystemUI: Prevent search bar flicker between recents and launchers
- SoundRecorder: fix menu behavior on devices with hardware menu button
- cmsdk: add common action for launching camera from screen gesture
- Settings: Scatter and CleanUp Notification Drawer Settings
- Settings: add config to apply custom shadow on header images
- Settings: daylight header packs extensions
- Revert "Settings: Add option for new poly hd custom headers
- Dashboard tileview dividers toggle
- Add single & double tap option to mid-lockscreen shortcuts
- cmsdk: add Sound tile to QS
- Set number of tile columns
- CMSDK:Hardware Keys Tile
- Fix systemUI restart command
- framework: Log applied theme when apps crash
- Screen Pinning: Show correct text for on screen nav
- SystemUI: disable QS tile Edit mode on screen off
- Recents : Don't show clear all if no tasks
- SystemUI:Improve task view header layout
- Fixed Some Statusbar lags
- Force OpenWeatherMap to be the weather provider
- AppSideBar Reverted due to instability
- SysUI: LiveLockScreen Updates from CM
- Recents: Fix Clear All Button Dissappearing Again
- SystemUI: add caffeine qs tile
- update secure keyguard check
- Revert "DndTile: Always open the detailed view"
- SystemUI: add volume tones back
- Option for date style/position, left-right of clock
- Return: Smart Pulldown And Enable By Default
- Fix leftAffordanceView visibility bug
- framework: move device key handler logic, fix gesture camera launch
- Keyguard: Show backdrop when sim pin secure screen shown
- Add rotation animation to navbar icons
- Settings: Add notification light setting to system profiles
- SimDialogActivity: Check whether there is no default sub
- Kill App Tile
- SystemUI: handle hiding recents search bar dynamically
- Revert "SystemUI: Add option to disable search bar in recents
- Notification Header Customization Colors
- Device specific Updates
- CM updates
- Translations updated
- Check GitHub commits for more.
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