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قديم 06-10-2012, 05:51 PM   #22
I'm right
عضو اساسي
الصورة الرمزية I'm right
تاريخ التسجيل: 25-11-2011
الدولة: البحرين
المشاركات: 1,405
مشاركات الشكر: 4,775
شكر 4,031 مرات في 1,082 مشاركات

نظام الأندرويد مصمم انه يستهلك أكبر حجم من الرام لتسريع النظام, النظام يقوم بفتح أكبر عدد ممكن من البرامج في الرام عشان لما تشغل البرنامج يشتغل بسرعة, مو عشان ان النظام نفسه يحتاج حجم كبير من الرام نفس ماتقولون !!

العديد من الأنظمة الحديثة تسوي نفس الشي ومنها الوندوز7.

اقتباس من مقالة في Androidcentral:-

Android, like Mac OS and Ubuntu, wants to use all the RAM it can, because that's how it was designed to work. There are settings (in Android we call them "minfree" settings) to tell the system how much RAM to leave free and available, but the rest is designed to fill up as fast as possible and stay that way.

You're probably thinking "What's it filling up with?" That's a great question. After the system, graphics, radios, and any other tweaks to RAM are done loading, the rest is there to load apps into memory, right up to the point where the OS says to stop. Load the app as it's being used, and keep it there for the next time until it needs flushed to free space for something else. The more you use the system, the better it gets at keeping the right things loaded and ready to go. Think about how you use your phone -- you might have 100 apps installed, but there are a few you always are opening and using. Eventually, most of those apps will be stored in your RAM, simply because you're always opening them and loading them into the RAM if they weren't already there -- and "erasing" other apps that were there first. Loading an app from your storage takes longer, is harder on the battery, and overall worse than loading it from it's cached position in RAM.
ياريت الواحد يقرا شوي عن الموضوع قبل لا يرد !!
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