عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 31-01-2012, 07:39 PM   #128
hatem shaker
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: 31-12-2007
الدولة: kuwait
المشاركات: 13
مشاركات الشكر: 0
شكر 4 مرات في 2 مشاركات

I just bought it one week ago from kuwait the with orginal company rom which include arabic , the device size in my openion is great, the screen colour and contrast is fantastic,u can copy files from the device memory and paste to the sd card, sound of the speaker is very good , battery takes 2 days , in general its a very good tab i give 8 .5 from ten thats my openion , another thing the tab 7.7 is really fast in opening application even from the sd card

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