عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 14-11-2011, 11:38 AM   #18
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: 24-12-2007
الدولة: k.s.a
المشاركات: 36
مشاركات الشكر: 16
شكر 38 مرات في 17 مشاركات

تم تركيب هذا الروم وهو معرب
كميرا الفيديو الآن تعمل لكن مع الواجهه الانجليزية فقط اما العربية اغلاق بقوه

that's lyapota music box...mess up almost everything...I have partially fixed it and introduced in this version I'm gonna show you
This is an update guys..include a lot of new tweak in the build.prop, ics animation, more less app like family, and flickr (if you want them, extract from your previous update and copy to System\app in the new one BEFORE flash)..it's very very fast guys be carefulhehe
Warning: once again, you'll find that this update has a diffrent name (3.26 Speed of Light), and you MUST change gps.conf with the one in the download below, because I lock the server to it.pool.ntp.org..and you'll fine:-) I'll upload also an updater script, you can paste in your META-INF to avoid automatic full wipe;-) Enjoy guys
Changelog 3.393
-Added media profiles.xml from Runny 3.0..now output camer files are smaller, and mms mode works
-Solved conflict in init.d (about dalvik)
-Addescript to zipaligned ALL the applications once you get installed them
-Added and partially fixed Lyapota MusicBox2(I left only the Overboost about BeatMode, all the rest was fuckin my dhd up)
-NEW tweaked build.prop corrected
---added script to increase data connection---
---added script to increase touch overall performance---
---added script to increase overall media quality---
---added script to improve camera quality---
---added more scritp to avoid spie services from HTC---
---added script to improve GPU gestion---
---added JIT to dalvik cache (taken from @Mike's ROM)---
---added script to increase dalvik's. vm size from 32m to 64m in order to support JIT in the best way---
-Removed some apps-
Have fun folks
Download ROM
https://rapidshare.com/#!download|77...75034|RapidPro expired. (34fa3175)
Download updater-script no auto-full wipe (put the script to META-INF\com\google\android BEFORE flash, obviously delete the one you find in that path;-))
Download gps.conf for funzy 3.393 (put this in system\etc BEFORE flash the ROM, obviously delete the previous one in this path;-)

abuyosef غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
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