عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 29-10-2010, 01:46 PM   #1
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: 16-11-2006
الدولة: lebanon
المشاركات: 43
مشاركات الشكر: 9
شكر 8 مرات في 6 مشاركات
some android questions, just before buying the new desire hd

Hello all, here are some general questions regarding the android os, i used to have HD2, and have experience with upgrading roms, and unlocking, syncing and installing applications.....but now i'm looking for the desire hd, and i started to check the android os, and found that it may have different approach for upgrading roms, and installing custom roms or radio.....please can you answer my following questions so i will start aquire some knowledge about this android system, thank you in advance

1 what is root?

2 what is unrevoke?

3 the rom manager is a utility that run under the phone or is a desktop application to install roms to the phone?

4 what is recovery? is it something like a dos for android that let you manage some utilities before going into android os, or in case u did something wrong to fix it or in case you want to partition or format?

5 so can we find some developpers that make a recovery, and other developpers making the rom, but you will need the recovery to install the other developper rom from the sdcard?

6 can we still dont use recovery? and install a new rom using the desktop like we used to do with winmo?

7 what is ext4?is it a terminology that refere to some partition table on the sdcard?

8 when you say it make wipe, mean wipe for what?

9 what is clockwork?

10 how to install apllication to android, is it like iphone complicated, and need something complicated like itunes that may remove your synched cracked apps, or is it simple like winmo, by installing on sdcard and run from the phone?

11 is the android like iphone, need always to be attached to interent and market to install apps, or is it like winmo, you can just run packages from inside the device?

aymanov غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
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