عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 07-09-2010, 01:23 AM   #82
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-10-2009
الدولة: Misr
المشاركات: 25
مشاركات الشكر: 3
شكر 9 مرات في 5 مشاركات

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة alisultan مشاهدة المشاركة
عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
وعليك بألف عافيه أخي العزيز ويعينك بالغربه ويخففها عليك
وصدقني عندما أقول أن افضل عقول العالم هم عرب والتاريخ يشهد على ذلك وأكيد انه مازال عقول نيره مبدعه ولكن مع الاسف مغلوب على امرهم الى ان يأتي فرج من الله
the interface فأنك كما ترى الروم كلها ايقونات زجاجيه فارتأيت ان تكون الواجهه كذلك أيضا ولكن ان كان هناك بمخيلتك ماهو افضل فيرجى اطلاعي على بعض الامثله
more simple يمكنك ازالة ماتريد من الواجهه الرئيسيه كل ماعليك هو الضغط على الثلاث مربعات المتجاوره في اعلى يمين الشاشه اسفل الساعه في البار العلوي وعمل ما تريد
وشاكر لك مرورك في الموضوع وعيدك مبارك بإذن الله
barak allah fek
I changed few things around and it looks great and functions great, the things I always think about in term of simplicity is how many clicks do I need to arrive to what I want and generally the android roms tend to appeal to all people cause they are simple, I always thought of an interface with 2 or 3 different screens that you can move in between with a slide would be perfect, the first having the basic functions of the phone including the clock, date, access to calender and weather below the links to msgs, email and and call register. access to web based search is always good in the first page and link to the prayer time programs with clear indication of what time is the prayer
2nd page to include quick links to all frequently used programs and that tend to vary according to the user but generally I leave one raw for islamic programs including salat, quran and compass for qibla
I add short links for other programs after that raw including camera, photo explorer , navigator, file explorer, soft rest tab and shut down tabs, toggles after wards for speedy access to turning on and off of basic functions but needed ones like bluetooth, wifi and others

In my experience I end up tweaking most of the roms around till I get to roughly the above mentioned description and I found sense can compete with android if we manage to mix between the basic features of windows and android, i don't know if that make sense

I pray for you and the family for all of your kind effort and I may be just lazy when I was saying more simple one

note I found the darker blue background to have a better visibility than the other background esp in light

ehabaziz غير متصل  
