WARNING: Baseband Required by Apple
حزر فريق الديف تيم منذ قليل من التحديث الي iOS 4.2.1 لاجهزه المغلقه وذلك خوفا من عدم القدوه للرجوع الي iOS 4.1 واوصي باليقاء علي الفريمويرiOS 4.1 والانتظار ........................ TheBigBoss: It seems that Apple has decided to put a baseband requirement on iOS. So at this point, if you are using Saurik’s server or tiny umbrella and trying to restore 4.2.1 on an iPhone 4, you will end up in recovery mode and tiny umbrella will not be able to pull you out of recovery. In this case, you will have to restore 4.1 again or you will have to restore 4.2.1 stock and be tether jailbroken. (Of course, I recommend 4.1 and not bothering with 4.2.1 at all). If you are an unlocker, this is a no brainier. Do not update to 4.2.1 even to test it at this point.
يا ريت الترجمة !!
يعني تقصد ان ابل رفعة البيس باند؟ |
الف شكر يا غالى على الخبر وارجو الحذر للاجهزة المغلقة
[url]http://www.ultrasn0w.ca/2010/11/warning-ios-421-baseband-required-by.html[/url] |
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