المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : روم عربي ل xda2

26-03-2006, 01:15 PM
Dear all this is the rom

http://www.xda3.com/f/get.php?filename=XDA_WM2k5_2.ARA64_64.ra r

its mine

This ROM is modified from buzz 2.00a genuine96WWE for personal use only.
-Integrated 64MB RAMdisk in ROM(No need to install RAMdisk.cab any more.)
-Remove annoying Security Certification when install programs.
-Edit Cache registries to speed up this ROM.
-Add SIM Manager and its icon in Programs shortcut.
-Add SoftKeyAppletEx
-Add GBSoftTweak.cpl for WM5.
-Add Thai Regional Settings.
-Add WM5 BT Suspend Fix.
-Add HIM WM2k5 SMS Alert FIX.v0.01
-Add HIM WM2k5 ScreenRotate FIX and its icon on Today screen.
-Add Arabic Support
-Add Hijri Calander
-cyberon Voice Dial V2

Sacaman :p

تحذير : هذه الترقيه غير رسميه , والمنتدى غير
مسؤول عن المشاكل اللتي تحصل اثناء الترقيه

27-03-2006, 07:23 AM
dear Moderator

please can you copy it to our forum that all peaple can test it



27-03-2006, 11:06 AM
assalam alikom sacaman,

thanks again 4 ur rom but i think u have to change the the subject saying that it is wm5

thanks again

27-03-2006, 11:25 AM
i can not change the topic it late lol


27-03-2006, 11:48 AM
i can not change the topic it late lol

Sacaman :p

27-03-2006, 02:12 PM
اشكرا جزيلا على هذه النسخة المعربة
وارجوا ان تتفضل علينا اذا كان بالامكان ان تضيف برنامج مواعيد الصلاة الى الروم وان تكون النسخة تحديث
نسخة WM2k5 2.00a 00WWE
وجزاك الله خيرا

27-03-2006, 03:38 PM
this version is based on the 2.01a
i dont have the salat program send it to me and i will add it to the rom

27-03-2006, 04:03 PM
بارك الله فيك على هذا المجهود الرائع والمميز

مع التحية


27-03-2006, 04:23 PM
بارك الله فيك على هذا المجهود الرائع والمميز

مع التحية

Dear mms72
please can you upload it here
and can you change the name of the topic on arabic

Thanks for you

Sacaman :p r

27-03-2006, 04:26 PM
Dear mms72
please can you upload it here
and can you change the name of the topic on arabic

Thanks for you

Sacaman :p r
سأبلغ الادارة والمشرف العام بطلبك عزيزي

فانه ليس من صلاحياتي عمل هذه التغييرات

مع التحية


27-03-2006, 04:32 PM
سأبلغ الادارة والمشرف العام بطلبك عزيزي

فانه ليس من صلاحياتي عمل هذه التغييرات

مع التحية


thank's for you

30-03-2006, 01:01 PM
one question

if it was a rom from european poeple it will be wooooowwww
but rom from arab no one say even if it'sworking for him or no

any how thanks for you


31-03-2006, 10:40 PM
one question

if it was a rom from european poeple it will be wooooowwww
but rom from arab no one say even if it'sworking for him or no

any how thanks for you


السلام عليكم sacaman ،

صراحة انا اشكرك على ابداعك المستمر و خدمتك لكل الاعضاء،ويكفيك انك من الاوائل في اصدار نسخة عربية من الويندوز الجديد.. :)

على كل حال دائما اي موضوع ياخذ وقت ليبدا الاعضاء بالتفاعل معه.....

واشكرك كثيرا على جهدك وا بداعك المستمر :thumbup:

01-04-2006, 07:36 AM
thank you mjamalm

01-04-2006, 04:51 PM
اخي العزيز اشكرك على المشاركة المميز وقد تم تغيير العنوان وتثبيت المشاركة
لكن بالنسبة للرابط فإنه لا يعمل لدي حتى اتمكن من رفعه على سيرفر المنتدى

وشكرا لك مرة اخرى على المشاركة

02-04-2006, 07:08 AM
تم وضع رابط للبرنامج على سيرفر المنتدى

02-04-2006, 08:42 AM
Dear Ahamza
thanks for you


04-04-2006, 07:00 PM
مشكور اخي العزيز على هذي الترقية

بس عندي سؤال هل يوجد بها مشكلة كالترقية القديمة فإني استعمل نسخة 2.0 سابقا

فتوجد بعض الأخطاء لا اعلم ما حلها كالصوت اذا اشغل مقطع صوتي او محاضرة في الويندوز ميديا بلاير عند اغلاق برنامج الويندوز ميديا بلاير يختفي الصوت وما يرجع الا بسوفت ريست
فهل هذه الترقية حلت تلك المشاكل

05-04-2006, 08:34 AM
this one is based on the 2.01a
dont have this problem

personaly i prefere
betaplayer is more fiable and strong then windows media player 10
the 9 is ok
this bug is from the windows media player him self

; 0 )

09-04-2006, 12:31 PM
thank youuuuuuuu

13-04-2006, 06:27 PM
Dear all this is the rom

http://www.xda3.com/f/get.php?filename=XDA_WM2k5_2.ARA64_64.ra r

its mine

This ROM is modified from buzz 2.00a genuine96WWE for personal use only.
-Integrated 64MB RAMdisk in ROM(No need to install RAMdisk.cab any more.)
-Remove annoying Security Certification when install programs.
-Edit Cache registries to speed up this ROM.
-Add SIM Manager and its icon in Programs shortcut.
-Add SoftKeyAppletEx
-Add GBSoftTweak.cpl for WM5.
-Add Thai Regional Settings.
-Add WM5 BT Suspend Fix.
-Add HIM WM2k5 SMS Alert FIX.v0.01
-Add HIM WM2k5 ScreenRotate FIX and its icon on Today screen.
-Add Arabic Support
-Add Hijri Calander
-cyberon Voice Dial V2

Sacaman :p

جزاك الله الف خير على مجهودك
عندي استفسار بسيط
هل مع هذه الترقية حل لمشكلة ان الجهاز ينطفي عند وصول البطارية الى 40% - 30%

14-04-2006, 03:16 PM
i dont have this problem
my phonne go off on 10 % only not on 40%

14-04-2006, 08:34 PM
i dont have this problem
my phonne go off on 10 % only not on 40%
اخي العزيز
تمت تجربة هذا الاصدار وهو ممتاز ولكن يحتاج بعض التعديلات وهي:
1- يفضل استخدام التعريب اصدار 342.
2- التقويم المرفق ضعيف بعض الشئ مقارنة بالتقويم المرفق مع تعريب اميجنيت

اما موضوع البطارية فهي مشكلة في هذا الاصدار والاصدار الاصلي
ومن هنا خبراتك في حل مشكلة البطارية (غلق الجهاز عند وصول البطارية الى 40%-30%) مطلوبة

15-04-2006, 08:41 AM
send me the version 342 i will put it with it
but it will be useless for all other device like mine qteck 2020
it will work only on the Imate
the hijry calander its the same this is the free version of FJA (AIN) ,
for the battery i will try to see whats happend but i can assure you that mine close at 10 or 9 % only
but may be a modify sameting on the registry i will hard reset and see whats happend

and thank's again for your testing and your support

Sacaman : 0 ) you bro.

15-04-2006, 10:24 PM
send me the version 342 i will put it with it
but it will be useless for all other device like mine qteck 2020
it will work only on the Imate
the hijry calander its the same this is the free version of FJA (AIN) ,
for the battery i will try to see whats happend but i can assure you that mine close at 10 or 9 % only
but may be a modify sameting on the registry i will hard reset and see whats happend

and thank's again for your testing and your support

Sacaman : 0 ) you bro.
جرب الاصدار 342 على الموقع التالى

16-04-2006, 09:00 AM
please can you correct the link

17-04-2006, 05:16 AM
جرب الاصدار 342 على الموقع التالى
اعتذر عن الخطأ غير المقصود
الرابط الصحيح هو


ارجوا من الاخوة المشرفين تعديل الرابط في المشاركة السابقة وشكرا

27-04-2006, 01:24 PM
مشكورين على جهودكم

اود الاستفسار هل تعمل هذه الروم مع الايمت العادي
وهل هناك اي مشاكل بالنسبة للاكتبف سينس او اي مشاكل اخرى
وهل جميع البرامج متوافقة معها
وهل تحوي على برنامج ترجم
الرجاء عدم الاهمال بالاجابة

مشكور سلفا

27-04-2006, 03:39 PM
thanx man

exellent and well done

27-04-2006, 09:33 PM
no problem you ara welcome

وهل هناك اي مشاكل بالنسبة للاكتبف سينس او اي مشاكل اخرى
the problem with the activesync is from the PC and not from the ROM
you must desactivate the firwal and allow your pda to be connected to your PC
وهل جميع البرامج متوافقة معها
yes all program designed for windows 2005 is 100% working on it
وهل تحوي على برنامج ترجم
no the are no salate time and no tarjim on it
الرجاء عدم الاهمال بالاجابة
you must install the resco keybord for the arabic writing


27-04-2006, 11:43 PM
الف شكر اخي Sacaman على تجاوبك السريع

هل جربت تنزيل تعريب اماجينت بعد تغيير الروم

ولا اعلم هل هي متوفرة في المنتدى ام لا

نرجو من الخبراء ان يساعدوك و يساعدونا في تأمينها

مشكور جدا مرة اخرى

28-04-2006, 04:35 PM
dear miky
on this rom no need to instal the arabizer from imaginet
you can do it only if you like to have the salat time and the tarjim application
but is you like only to read and write arabic this rom is more then enough

28-04-2006, 09:47 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
يا جماعة الخير عندي مشكلة كبيرة جدا أنا عندي بوكيت كيوتيك 2020 وعملت له تحديث ولكن الجهاز لم يكمل وراح كل شي والآن حوالي 3شهور ابحث عن برنامج التحديث بس يشتفل الجهاز ارجو المساعدة يا جماعة الخير

30-04-2006, 01:16 PM
dear sacaman

thanks for your support
it's enough to me to read and write arabic
but i need eng. ara & ara. eng dictionary
& it will be much beter if we can get (tarjem) progaram

& finely is it posibol to retern to previous rom if this one not stabel or if i don't like it

thanks in advans

30-04-2006, 05:44 PM
Dear miky
i am agree with you but this version not need to be registred on the imaginat site and it's work with all imate qteck and xda2
tarjim need the commercial application from imaginet

ofcorse that you can removed and install any version you like


14-05-2006, 07:31 AM
ارجو مساعدتي في الحصول ويندوز 2005 لجهازي pda2
وذكر كيفية تركيبه على الجهاز

14-05-2006, 09:36 AM
download the file
unzip it . Start your device in bootloader mode by pressing and holding down:

DPad + PowerButton + ResetButton

After a second release ResetButton, then release the rest of them.
Your screen will show word "Serial" at the top.
You are in bootloader mode now.

2. Place your device in the cradle, ensuring that the cradle
is plugged directly into a USB port on your PC and not to a hub
and that the power supply is connected to the cradle.
It is also a good idea to disable any screensavers on your desktop PC.

Once your device is cradled, the text on the screen will change to "USB".

3. Run HimaUpgradeUt_noid.exe

4. Sit back and wait for the Congratulations screen to be displayed
on your PC. Your device will still be displaying 'Upgrading radio stack, please wait',
but as long as the PC says it is done, then its all OK.

5. Detach your device from the cradle.

6. Now you have to hardreset your device.
Press ResetButton and hold down CameraButton + RecordButton.
Hold them pressed until the "Boot Options" menu appears on the screen.

Select the options as follows:
(for selecting use RecordButton, change values with CameraButton)

Enable KITL -> NO
Clean Registry Hive -> YES
Format Storage -> YES

When done, press DPad and wait until OS starts.
that all


14-05-2006, 09:44 PM
Dear sacaman

did you instal any ara. eng &eng. ara. on your new rom?? & what is it if you can tell us

2end did you find too much difernt betwen win 5 & win 3??
is it worthe it to do it

so in short words do you advice me with that ??
thanks in advance

15-05-2006, 09:03 AM
Dear Miky
i am surprised about your question but
there are no comparison between 2005 and 2003
it's like that you are comparing
windows xp with windows nt4
what do you mean with ara.eng eng.ara
it's the dictionary? or the interface? please be more clear
from more then 1 year i am using the 2005 and i can't switch back to 2003
in my case i don't change my old qtek to jasjar or jamin or eten because there are no diferance with between all the new model and mine upgraded to 2005
only i don't have the WI FI
and between you and me it's beter to surf true Laptop then true the heandlhed

if you need more clarification dont hesited to ask

Mohamed Mustafa
15-05-2006, 04:11 PM
Dear Mr. Sacaman,

i have jasjar, in case if i install the new rom to my ppc and it did not work , can i reinstall the last update from i-mate club again or it will not be possible . please advise


15-05-2006, 07:40 PM
Dear sacaman

You have all rights 2 be surprised about my question

Logically win 5 must be much better than win 3

But my brother has kjam & I find the only different is the 2 button in the bottom of screen

& i did't find any think or application that is not on win3

Maybe there is a huge different that I didn't recognize it ( that what I'm asking about)

& I think that the win 5 have big passive think.. That it may many
Programs not working on it

2end about ara.eng eng.ara sorry that i forget word dictionary
Coz i afraid that no such dictionary can be installed on this win5

Finely I'm 100% agree with you about better to surf true Laptop then true the heandlhed
So it's not big losing that if there is no wi fy
Thanks for you support& for your patient

Mohamed Mustafa
16-05-2006, 11:16 AM
dear sacaman,

please reply me,

thanks in advanced

16-05-2006, 02:11 PM
Dear Mr. Sacaman,

i have jasjar, in case if i install the new rom to my ppc and it did not work , can i reinstall the last update from i-mate club again or it will not be possible . please advise


Dear Mohamed Mustafa
exuse me i dont see your post
be carful this update is for qtec 2020 and old imate only
if you install it in your pda it will be destroyed
please dont try to do it


16-05-2006, 03:08 PM
Thanks Sacaman For this ROM ,,,
I ve used it in my Qtek 2020 ,, it worked well
i can give u a feedback about the ROM ,,, as follow:
1- The arabizer is not Sufficient ,, as it is not completely arabizing the system ,, so u still can read some arabic folders & files as Heroghlific
2- KeyBoard is not included ,,, & it is a deficiency in the ROM ,,, need to search a keyboard ,,, some fits & other not ,,, & if u find a good keyboard ,,, u should install it to Flash Disk or SD card ,, & u should face a big problem during every booting (Soft reset ) that system cant find the file
3- The Major problem is with the management of Memory by WM5 it is devided into 2 portion by 64 MB ,, One is handling whole system ( programs & system storage ) ,, making insufficient space to install extra programms (in SD card) as u know that still some files are written in storage even if u choose SD ,, & ur storage is only 8MB , while there is 64MB as Flash Disk is free ,,, No benifit of it ,,, when u can use SD

4-The system is so strong & excellent ,, i like it ,, But still is not secured ,, & can hang with no posibility of restart ,, so u will make formating by Boot options ,,, then all ur data are lost
5- So ,,, what u ll do with losst data ,, when all backup tools are disabeled ,,,, even in ActiveSync ,,, it s a problem is it not

So ,,, i search about the solutions for that ,, becouse i like this windows too much after using ur ROm & i found some solutions hoping to make some deference :
1- For arabizer ,,, i used another arabizes ,, with Crack
2- For Storage ,, i ve used Hima_DocTools ,, which is working as Magic Partition ,,, it takes extended rom space & use it in storage increasing it to 30.53 MB
3- i used this ROM wich is good & making the Flash Disk storage only 32 & increase system storage to 32
as follow:
Programm 88.33 mb
storage : 30.53 mb
Flash Disk: 32 mb

XDA_WM2k5_2.01a32WWE (http://tofclock33.free.fr/rom/XDA_WM2k5_2.01a32WWE.rar)

u can see this link also (http://www.ce4arab.com/vb7/showthread.php?t=52611&page=4)

Anyhow thanks for ur kindness ,, & sorry for long reply;) :thumbup: :o


16-05-2006, 04:19 PM
thanks the samuray

but i am preparing a new rom based on 2.02 with arabic enable
but now i am making the answer machine it take all my time
for your qustion yes you can use the 2.01
but the good one is the 2.02 from buzzdev dot net

try it


Mohamed Mustafa
16-05-2006, 04:31 PM
Dear Sacaman ,
thank you very much for your reply , kindly if you have any idea about a sutitable Arabic Rom for JasJar do not contain problems please inform me.

best regards

17-05-2006, 09:54 AM
Dear Mohamed
read this


17-05-2006, 10:38 AM
Dear Secaman Thanks 4 ur great job and many thanks 4 this forum where we find intelligent people like you

17-05-2006, 01:42 PM
Dear Secaman Thanks 4 ur great job and many thanks 4 this forum where we find intelligent people like you

thank's for you

Sacaman :p

17-05-2006, 05:30 PM
It is a good job ,, that u r working for WM5 2.02 arabic enabeled ,,
Just i hop u ll make if fully enabled ,, supporting arabic language ,,

I ve tried 2.02 ... it is good
But as i told u in previous reply ,,, that the problem is with storage space is too deficient

after partitiong & adding the extended rom space to storage it will be as u see below

Programm 88.33 mb
storage : 30.53 mb
Flash Disk: 32 mb

so if u can manage to increase the storage it ll be excellent

Thank u very much


20-05-2006, 09:13 AM
It is a good job ,, that u r working for WM5 2.02 arabic enabeled ,,
Just i hop u ll make if fully enabled ,, supporting arabic language ,,

I ve tried 2.02 ... it is good
But as i told u in previous reply ,,, that the problem is with storage space is too deficient

after partitiong & adding the extended rom space to storage it will be as u see below

Programm 88.33 mb
storage : 30.53 mb
Flash Disk: 32 mb

so if u can manage to increase the storage it ll be excellent

Thank u very much

Dear The Samuray
I have PPC phone adition upgrad it from wm2003 to wm2003se
Which rom is better after all of this trails
Is this rom from Sacaman good for my Mobile
I see that you are using Wm5 2.02 can I have this link
Thanks & Gazakom Allah khiraa

20-05-2006, 06:42 PM
أهلا بك أخي أحمد
نعم أنا كنت مثلك لا أدري أي شيئ أختار ,,,, و جربت جميع الرومات و في الأخير انتهيت إلى WM5
فقد اعجبني جدا

و أحسنها هو على الرابط التالي



و قد جربت 2003SE فلم يعجبني كثيرا ,,,, بالذات رسالة أن البرنامج غير متوافق و قد لا يعمل ,, تظهر مع أغلب البرامج
في حين 2005 اما ان يقبل او يقون بعدم توافقه
أهم شيئ في 2005 هو ثبات المعلومات فيه ,,, و يجب ان تعرف ما هي البرامج التي ستضعها لأن إزالة البرامج صعب جدا

أنا جهازي Qtek 2020 فانظر ما عندك و اختر الأصلح لك


20-05-2006, 09:41 PM
اخي the samuray
هل هذه الروم تختلف عن التي قدمها الاخ sacaman
و اذا كانت مختلفة فايهما افضل
وهل هي معربة؟؟ وهل تحوي على كيبورد عربي
ام تنصحني ان انتظر ال win 5.0 2.02 arabic enabeled
و الف شكر سلفا

20-05-2006, 10:58 PM
حسب تجربتي هذا الروم أفضل من الروم الذي أحضره ساكامان
من حيث الثبات و الاستقرار ,,, و كذلك يزيد في ذاكرة البرامج مما يحسن من الأداء
و هو أحدث أيضا ,,,
بالنسبة للروم العربي المطروح هنا ,,, تعريبه ضعيف جدا ,,, و لا يحتوي على لوحة مفاتيح
ما فعلته هو تنصيب هذا الروم الذي طرحته ,,, و من ثم قمت باستخدام تعريب إماجينت 3 ,,, و له كراك
و هو جيد مع 2005
و طبعا مع بعض الخلطات و الإضافات التي تجعل 2005 جميلا و ممتازا

النسحة التي ذكرتها ,,, لم تظهر بعد ,, و حسب ما حدثني به توفلوك ,,, أنه يعمل الآن على روم الإنجليزي5.02.03
يعني قفز الى 3 و ترك 2 ,,, في حين أن هناك نسخ 2 بلغات أخرى

أنا أرى استخدام الروم الذي احضرته حتى يظهر الجديد


21-05-2006, 01:51 AM
الف شكر اخي TheSamuray على ردك السريع
اين يمكن ان نحصل على تعريب اماجينت 3و كراكه وهل يحوي على برنامج ترجم؟؟
وماهي الخلطات والاضافات السحرية التي قمت بها (ان لم تكن سر عسكري)
وانا اقترح عليك كتابة موضوع جديد منفصل تشرح به تجربتك بالتفصيل
وتعم الفائدة للجميع
ان كان لديك متسع من الوقت لذلك

والف شكر سلفا

Mohamed Mustafa
21-05-2006, 08:09 AM
dear Sacaman ,

thank you very much for your help

best regards

21-05-2006, 05:35 PM
شكرا لك أخي Miky ... أنا أرتب هذا الموضوع ,,, و لا زلت أكتب فيه ,,,, و ساطرحه ان شاء الله
بالنسبة للكراك ,,, فلا أدري ان كان مسموحا بوضعه هنا من قبل الإدارة أم لا ,,,,
أعطني فرصة أيام قلائل و ستجد الموضوع إن شاء الله


22-05-2006, 03:31 AM
اخي TheSamuray بارك الله بك

ونحن بانتظارك على احر من الجمر

مشكور سلفا

29-05-2006, 12:37 AM
اخي TheSamuray بارك الله بك

ونحن بانتظارك على احر من الجمر

مشكور سلفا

الشرح موجود هنا ,,, و لم أنقله إلى هنا لوجود بعض الكراكات ,,, ربما لا يسمح نظام المنتدى بوجوده
و أيضا لضيق الوقت لدي و شكرا :thumbup:

رابط الموضوع (http://al-sharg.com/vb/aaeeii-cassaeiaeence-pocketpc-aeciaoe-ca-pda/6884-ionic-uai-caonth-caoni-casscaa-aenthie-pocketpc-aai-2005-ecaoaen-au-aysscn-ae-auaaeace-aaae.html)

A Copy to SACAMAN , may it ll help u to make some changes in

the Rom u r working with :confused: ,,, Thanks alot

29-05-2006, 12:59 AM
لم افهم عليك اخي ساموري ماذا تقصد الشرح موجود هنا (شرح ماذا؟)يبدو انك اردت ان ترفق وصلة مع كلمة هنا لكن لا يوجد
على اي حال يبدو انه ظهرت روم جديدة وهذه هي الوصلة:
هل هي فعلا جديدة وهل جربها احد؟؟


29-05-2006, 06:03 PM
يعني اضغط على الجملة رابط الموضوع فوق لتذهب إلى هناك

المهم هنا الرابط بالكامل


أرجو أن تنال إعجابك

النسخة التي ذكرتها ,, تحت التجربة حاليا ,,, و المزايا موجودة في الرابط أعلاه


30-05-2006, 01:51 AM
الف شكر اخي ساموراي على جهودك
قريبا سابدء بالتطوير الى الروم الجديدة
انشاء الله تكون الامور على ما يرام

30-05-2006, 11:24 AM
good thesamuray
i will try to add all your program on the new arabic rom


30-05-2006, 05:43 PM
اخي ساموراي افزعلى الله يحفظك

لقد نزلت الروم XDA_WM2k5_2.03a64WWE
وعند محاولة التطوير من البداية تظهر رسالة error 120 country id error 8-8-1-N-N

ما العمل؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ ؟
علما ان جهازي ايمت القديم الفون اديش2003ن شاريه من دبي طورته الى :
rom version: 2.06.00wwe
rom date: 06/14/04
radio version: 1.18.00
protocol version 1337.38
extrom version 2.06.100a

حاولت تحميل البرامج التي ذكرتها من الروابط :
لم تفتح الصفحات
تظهر رسالة:
Your session was not validated and anti-leach measures are in effect.
علما اني سجلت في الموقع
والصراحة شرح تغيير الكود في الروم غير مفهوم

الرجاء المساعدة تكفى
ومليون شكر سلفا

30-05-2006, 06:04 PM
شكرا Dr Miky على مرورك و الشكر لك SACAMAN أيضا ,, سعدت بإفادتي لكما
أنا حاليا أجرب الروم الجديد WM 2.03a64 , وهو جيد و مرتب ,, لكن النسر مشين و مسجل المكالمات لا تعمل مع محاولاتي المتعددة

Dear SACAMAN ,, i hop u ll use this new versions of WM5 ,,
anyhow ,, if u can get a solution to increase storage memory more than adding extRom space to it which is not enough

anyhow thanks for everything

Dr TheSamuray

This is the new ROMs



30-05-2006, 06:11 PM
Hi dear TheSamuray
how do you know that i'm a doctor ????
i did know that you are a doctor too
so hi colleague

any way you may did not notice my last post
pleas help me Doctor

30-05-2006, 06:44 PM
على الرحب و السعة عزيزي الزميل
إن لم تستطع تحويل الكود للبرنامج يمكنك ان تستخدم الرنامج : HimaUpgradeUt_noID و الذي لا يقوم بطلب رمز الدولة
و يمكنك تحميله من هذه الصفحة بالضغط على داونلواد http://buzzdev.net/component/option,com_remository/Itemid,100/func,fileinfo/id,41/

أو من هنا


و الله يعينك أخي ,,, أنا مستمتع جدا بالويندوز الجديد ,,, و سأضع إضافات أخرى في نفس الموضوع الذي زرته ( و فيها الاتصال الصوتي و كذلك اضافة قائمة جديد التي كانت موجودة في 2003)

استخدم النسخة


لعلها افضل فب سعة ذاكرة البرامج


( شكله اننا مع موجودان حاليا ,,,, فمرحبا بك )

30-05-2006, 06:50 PM
ها قد رفعت لك الملف ووضعته في المرفقات حتى لا تتعب من جديد

فك الضغط و من ثم انسخه إلى المجلد الذي فككت الروم فيه و قم بتشغيله و استمتع بالترقية ;)

تحيتي الطيبة أيها الطبيب :thumbup:

30-05-2006, 07:41 PM
الف شكر عزيزي
والله انك غمرتني بكرمك
على كل حال لقد نزلت البرنامج و مساءً سأحاول بالترقية مره اخرى (coz i'm on clinic now) :wacko:
ولو اني لم افهم حتى لان ماذا ساعمل بعد وضعه في المجلد وتشغيله من هناك
انشاء الله يكون الامر سهل وانشاء الله تكون online في حال حدوث اي طارء لا قدر الله
الف شكر على كل حال

31-05-2006, 09:09 AM
WOOOOOOOOOOW Nice to see doctors playing with Rom

for DR.Samuray

i love the mite of samurai’s
more then 31 meg is impossible only if you like to change the flash hardware like the old jam to upgrade it to the 128 or 256 meg
in my opinion it will cost you more then the price of a new hardware
and how will do it for you???? mafima3loum?lol
i appreciate the key-gen of Arabic really it's good and the one how do it is a genies
i will try to included on the new Rom
i try tofclock Rom but on my opinion i prefer the Bepe one
really this one is a revolution all this Rom is tacking from the Kjam aku2
but unfortunately there are only the French and German one
have only one problem is the reception of MMS and every think is working also the STK
With the help of Asukal we are near to make a cab for the answer machine working on all hardware
Still we have the problem of greeting message it's very low

to DR.MiKY

i like to tell you only one think upgrade as you like play as you want but don't touch to your boot loader
any problem can be resolved except the mistake or something on the boot loader

to every one
please don't hesitate to ask by asking you can learn more and more


31-05-2006, 09:31 PM
اخي د TheSamuray
لقد كانت ليلة طويلة ليلة امس
حاولت في البداية بشتى الطرق الكلاسيكية .. لم اتمكن
اخيرا ما انقذني ملفك HimaUpgradeUt_noID مشيت الامور زي الحلاوه
و كبرت الرام و نزلت التعريب تماما كما ذكرت في موضوعك
و لا حظت بعد تكبير الرام اصبح الجهاز اسرع قليلا
لألف مليون شكر لك و لدعمك
لكن لدي العديد من الملاحظات حول الروم و التعريب
لا حظت ان الانسر ماشين لا تعمل بكفاءة كما ذكر البعض في المنتدى
حاولت تغير السوفت كي يفتح قائمة start
لم اتمكن فقط يمكن تخصيصها لبرامج علما اني عملتها لاحد اصدقائي على الكي جام
برنامج كال فيلتر غير قوي كما في proffesional filterعلى ما اذكر
الكاميرا اطارها محدود
توقعت ان يكون في ال addres book يمكن تخصيص نغمات للمتصلين mp3 &wav
من نفس الوندوز دون الحاجة ل برامج خاصة بذلك
بالنسبة للتعريب
ملفات الورد السابقة التي بالعربي يظهر اسمها بالعربي انما بالداخل كلها مربعات
تحايلت على المشكلة بفتحها ب برنامج ال notes
يصعب تحديد نص مكتوب بالعربي
هذا ما لاحظته حتى الان
اعلم ان ليس لك علاقة بكل هذه المشاكل فهي من MICROSOFT & IMAGINET
لكن رغم كل ذلك فان الروم جدا ممتاز
الف مليون شكر مرة اخرى وبارك الله بك

Dear sacaman
Thanks for your complement
& thanks for your support
As you see finely I make it
its just with TheSamuray spport & yours
We are looking for your new rom as you see I'm not afraid to tray any rom 
About answer machine it is the same problem that I notice in this rom
greeting message it's very low & no muting so the caller can hear what's happening around the ppc
finely would like to ask you what you mean about boot loader
is it where we do :
Thanks for all & go forward in your nice work& Allah bless you

01-06-2006, 02:11 PM
Thanks SACAMAN for ur complement << Just i want u to know that i beleave that the doctors are one of best intellecually grown people , so they should andrestand everything & u see how is doing with programs ,, making as u said intelegent cracks ,, he is one of us ,, one of arab muslims
Regarding Samurai ,, i tell u that i m really a Samuray holding 2end DAN in AikiJujitsu

Anyhow ,,, my suggestions were to help improving the ROm
& i m trying roms to improve knoledges & to see what we ca do
u can add this arabizer & just add ACERT_arab & ACERT1 & the rest of cabs (preyer ditionary & calendar can be installed to RAMDISK
& ofcourse the user should use keygen for individual serial No

عزيزي Miky اسعدني حصولك على مرادك ,,, و طبعا قد ذكرت ان الأنسر ماشين غير كفء و كذلك مسجل المكالمات ,,, فلتر المكالمات يعمل ,,, مع أنه ليس بقوة SmartCallFilter طبعا

بالنسبة للتعريب فلعله كانت هناك مشكلة مع التنصيب ,,, و قد واجهتها ,, قم بإعادة التشغيل للجهاز ,,, فإن لم يعمل فالله يعينك بعمل هارد رست كما هو مشروح ,, عن طريق البوت سكريين
و لتوفير المساحة قم بتنصيب ملفي التعريب الأولين فقط في الذاكرة الرئيسية و الباقي في الرام دسك
و طبعا لأن أكثر البرامج عندي و عندك مشتركة ,,, فأقول أن تنزل قارئ الكتب أيسيلو و الموبي ريدر (PRC) و الكروبات و نحنها من البرامج الصغيرة و المساعدة في الرام دسك
و لا تنس أن تقوم بعمل ريستارت بعد كل 4 او 5 برامج سكاي سكيب تقوم بتنصيبها
و قد تبقى لدي حوالي 12 م ب بعد تنصيب 15 كتاب و مع برنامج SPB في الذاكرة الرئيسية و عارض اسم مرسل البلوتوث

تحيتي الطيبة


or DrPrince ( in al-sharg) h

01-06-2006, 03:29 PM
Dear D. TheSamuray
I'm very proud of you
Doctor & 2 dan & specialist in H.T
Just can say wawwww
About the rom:
هل يمكن ازالت برنامج الفلتر الذي بالروم؟؟
كذللك لاحظت ان برنامج الريكوردر غير كفء
حيث يمكن تفعيله من زره الخاص لكن لا يسجل بضغطة ثانية
يسجل و يوقف التسجيل فقط من الشاشةّّ!!! وهذا الأمر غير عملي اطلاقا
هل يمكن حذفه و العودة الى البرنامج القديم
بالنسبة للتعريب كما لاحظت انه عند التنصيب ينزل برنامج ماكروميديا او فلاش و برنامج xms للرسائل المصورة
لكني نزلت ملف فلاش و ظهرت ايقونته كفلاش فايل لكن لا يفتح؟؟!!!
كذلك لم اجد برنامج الرسائل المصورة .. لا في البرامج ولافي messaging
بالنسبة لازالة التعريب الايمكن ازالتها من remove programs
حيث انها موجودة في قائمة programs in storage memory
Imaginet Arabic system 2.0
Imaginet pocket arabizer 2.0
Imaginet dictionary
Imaginet ADO files
فهل ترى انه يجب عمل هارد ريست؟؟
About the Isolo & books
I don't have any books for my special I’m dentist – orthodontic
So I did't find any books in this field
If you have>> please send it to me
& I'm interested in any field of medicine your specialty
If it's not a secret

Thanks in advance my colleague

02-06-2006, 12:47 PM
Thanks Dear
I m a surgeon (Saudi Board, Arab Board,MRCS candidate) with diploma in chinese medicine & Korean acupuncture

Regarding dentestry ,, there is i think ,, just let me chek my electronic library ,, i hop there is ,,, & u can fine in skyscape a books in dentestry ( i saw it ) follow this link www.skyscape.com register ther & download a trial version ,, the crack i ll tell u if u dont know

Regarding the system ,,, do formating & then step by step do the installation ,,, Imaginet Arabic system 2.0
Imaginet pocket arabizer 2.0
are installed in device memory ,, while all others in RAMDISK
Flash file is a system support for flash running programms ,, u ll need it for XMS ( hand writing SMS support program) & also u should intall flash running programms if u want to run flash files

U cant desable recorder as i know ,,, & if u dont want call filter u install the other filter programm as addetional & desable the original from phone settings

i hop u are injoing WM5 as i m ,,, i ve finalised my settings & after finishing all setup & settings of connection i did full backup ,, so u do also ,, & then u can try any new programm ,, if a problem happened ,,, u have backup to restore

Thanks my dear

The Samuray ( Makkah) a

03-06-2006, 02:28 AM
Dear Dr. The Samuray
You real amazeing me every time !!!
surgeon (Saudi Board, Arab Board,MRCS candidate) with diploma in chinese medicine & Korean acupuncture
& holding 2end DAN in AikiJujitsu
&spesialist in hi tec
allllllll that waw ..
how did you find time for all that .. you realy genius
i'm so proud of you
regarding skyscape i see there is just 2 books for dentestry not for orthodontics& it cost huge mony dipendin on there titel it not worth this mony
but if we can get it for free i don't mind
regarding the system i'm realy injoy with it .. it 's soo nice
but i notic that the battari is gon faster than in 2003
& i can't find xms?? where is it ??
& is there any way to delit any program that coms with the rom ..after instalin the rom ??
about formating i will wait for aku2 rom that sacaman talk about ..hope that we will not wait soo long
many thanks .. Doctor for for every think .. you realy generous

03-06-2006, 09:47 AM
well i can see only Woooow
all my respect for you Doctor's
i am waiting for a new rom Compressed by the UPX from Double0four
i will give us more space with 15 meg free on the rom you can put all the application on the rom no need to put any think on the ram
and think for the speed
the aku2 i am on the translation step
as i told you it's a french based
i am working also on the answer machine to solve the problem for the sound
on the case i discover that the sound is heared true you mike and not insid the machine thats way you interlocutor can not hear it well
the samuray
if you found any think a bout DTMF on the PDA
i't will help me a lot
on between you are interested to know how you can koock the ROM ??
seed me a email on sacaman1_at_hotmail_dot_com
wit regard
i a a project manager on smart card field with my job i can't answer on the real time thats way i have somme delay to answer the post

Sacaman :0) s

03-06-2006, 11:23 PM
Thanks Miky for complement ,,,
regading the time ,, just little arrangement ,,, will help u more ,,, even though i m lossing more time for nothing
may be i ll be off soon for 1 month ,,, due to promotional exam ,,, in G Surgery ,, & i ll be back
Rgarding Skyscape books ,, i told you to download trial version & then i ll help u in ckracs ,,, means it ll be free for you ,, my dear

Dear Sacaman ,,, thanks for everythong u r dping for us

& at last u got my point ,,, that i m interresting in ckooooking ROM ,,
Means if i inter this field ,,, i think there will be Medical rom , surgical rom ,, everyone by his specialty ,,, just hoping ,,, at least ,,, we have a hope ,,, that will push us to do more
i got ur mail ,,, & i ll contact u if u have no objection ,, & i ll need some hints for ROM making ,,
anyhow ,, thanks alot ,,

With respect Thesamuray

my mail is samurayaiki_at_hotmail_odt_com

03-06-2006, 11:27 PM
Ah ,,, i forgot
regarding XMS ,, u ll find it included in SMS ,,
if u see massege title in Today screen ,,, u ll see that u have 3 new mails ,, that is XMS
just see ,, but i dont know wether it is supported in KSA or not


04-06-2006, 01:30 AM
Hi Dear Dr. samuray

i hope you will find time for every think..specialy for your exam
that i hope you will do very good on it ..
regarding skyscape .. now i'm dowloding free trial of one book named ..5m dental
so waiting of your help with the ckrac
regarding xms .. i fund that i did't instal instal it .. so yesterday i have do it .. & every think is ok ..
regarding cooking rom .. hope you will get it .. & good andersand it
& after you can teach us how to cook delicious rom ... yammmy
thanks for all ..
best regards

04-06-2006, 08:34 AM
Dear Miky
it's not that i dont like to put the methode here
but i am afread that somme one destroy his pda and i am the resposible that's all
but if you like i will posted here or on a new tread but i need somme one to translate in arabic

Have a nice day


04-06-2006, 01:38 PM
Dear Sacaman
i did't say or mean that you dont like to put the method
but if you wont to.. & you afread that somme one destroy his pda
you can say at the end of the methode that you don't have any resposiblety & every one want to tray this methode he will do it on his responsiblity
i think it will be great if you post on new tread the methode if you have time .. & i will tray insha2ala to translate it to arabic
& mayby Dr. samory can helpe too
thanks in advanse

04-06-2006, 07:41 PM
Thanks Miky for complement

regarding skyscape installation u can see this topic


And this as well


Dear sacaman ,,, thanks for support ,,, if u can guide me i ll be so thankful
just u can my mail ,,, i ll be happy to learn more

mail me to


thanks again

05-06-2006, 01:09 PM
good news on this 2 days it will be a tools to do it with software
read this

05-06-2006, 07:57 PM
dear Dr. TheSamuray

thanks very much about skayscape
every think is ok all works

thanks agen

05-06-2006, 08:27 PM
thanks SACAMAN for this
i ll try to use it ,, but after exam

Thannks Miky ,,, & u r welcome always


Abdul Raouf
07-06-2006, 11:20 AM
Hello gentelmen, Dr.TheSamuray , Dr.milky and Mr.Sacaman

I tried two ROMs the sacaman ROM which is in the first post and the Samuray ROM which is in his topic out of this forum

They worked nice ,but the big problem that happened with me is that I missed the sound there is no sound at all and even the menus that have sound with it takes 20-30 seconds to open!! unless I go to the settings and cancle all the sound activities

my device is a Qtek 2020
so could you please help me because I loved the new system and I dont want to go back to 2003

thanks a lot in advance

07-06-2006, 12:12 PM
Dear Sacaman ,
thank you very much for your reply , kindly if you have any idea about a sutitable Arabic Rom for JasJar do not contain problems please inform me.

best regards
Dear mohamed see this

07-06-2006, 05:45 PM
Dear AbdulRaoof
Thanks for ur visit ,, i m so happy for ur interrest

i dont know what u did exactely durring upgrading ,,, just i would like to tell u that my device is similar to urs ,, Qtek2020 & the Rom works so nice ,, & i ve no major problemm as u said ,,,
I think better to re upgrade ur system ,,, with


it is good rom ,, have little problems ,, ( just answer machine is not working ) ,, otherwise it is nice

just u follow the instructions as recommended

i dont know if Sacaman had another suggestions



07-06-2006, 07:55 PM
salam to all
dear AbdulRaoof
my device worke fine... it a litel bit slow..but not that much as you say
i think you have instal to much programs on main memory
i uswaly instal all programs on sd card .. just the system programs i instal it on main memory
if this soloution dosn't help you .. so i sudjust to do as the boss samuray sad

dear samuray ..
how is thinks go with your exam.. hope every think is fine ( bal tawfik)
regarding rom:
repligo dosn't worke on this new rom
is it work with you ???


07-06-2006, 09:13 PM
I coudnt get ur queez Miky
what u mean "repligog" ?a
Its so nice ,,, i cud open the rom & extract all files & folders ,,, means i have the components of cocking a good food
but what & where to play ,, it is the matter what i wanted to ask
& another thing ,,, do u have an emulator to use the rom befor using it on the device
if yes ,, just mail me PLs



08-06-2006, 12:29 AM
hi dear Dr. samoray

repligo is a very powerful program that can convert any MS. offece or web page document to a repligo reader
that you can see it on ppc



everone on the forom sad that it work with win2005
but i don't know way it dosn't work with me


08-06-2006, 01:39 AM
Thaks Miky for explanation
i didnt use it befor ,,, becouse im using Isilo (pdb) format
& prc mobireader format
i will try to use it & give u a feedback


Abdul Raouf
08-06-2006, 08:41 AM
Dear TheSamuray, Dear milky,
Thank you very much for your intrest to help I have already tried this ROM many times but with no benifet so I have an idea I wold like you Dr.TheSamuray to give me a complete upgrade just like yours I mean with the radio and the extended ROM after (your permission)
and maybe that can change something

thanks for you all getelmen

08-06-2006, 02:34 PM
dea all,
i've i-mate pda 2, i need to upgrade to win 5, would someone tell me which one works better and how to install it.
thanks in advance

Abdul Raouf
09-06-2006, 12:15 AM
Dear AbdulRaoof
Thanks for ur visit ,, i m so happy for ur interrest

i dont know what u did exactely durring upgrading ,,, just i would like to tell u that my device is similar to urs ,, Qtek2020 & the Rom works so nice ,, & i ve no major problemm as u said ,,,
I think better to re upgrade ur system ,,, with


it is good rom ,, have little problems ,, ( just answer machine is not working ) ,, otherwise it is nice

just u follow the instructions as recommended

i dont know if Sacaman had another suggestions



As what's mintioned for you this is the best ROM. Try it and I hope that you don't have the same problem as mine.
Good luck.

09-06-2006, 01:48 PM
Dear AbdulRaouf
try to come back to old version
wich is here in the following link


If u want to upgrade the radio <<< u ll find it here



09-06-2006, 02:07 PM
Papy 1611
Try this link


Abdul Raouf
09-06-2006, 08:30 PM
Thanks a lot Dr.TheSamuray
Testing is in progress...

10-06-2006, 09:22 AM
Nice Samuray
but read my comment on the same page for the radio upgrade
see also on buzzdev
i suggest the 1.08 because i am using mobily and with the 1.19 i have lot of problem on the reception and also on the switching on the radio after using the fly mode


10-06-2006, 09:44 PM
شكرا جزيل يأخي

Abdul Raouf
12-06-2006, 01:35 AM
thanks a lot Dr.TheSamuray it worked with me

Now I went back to the old version:wacko: but can I have any way to use the greate WM5??? Do I have to use WM2003 for the rest of my life??:( :( :(

15-06-2006, 02:44 AM
ارجو مساعدتي في الحصول ويندوز 2005 لجهازي pda2
وذكر كيفية تركيبه على الجهاز

انا معك
هل هذي الترقيه
لل PDA2

15-06-2006, 12:28 PM

16-06-2006, 12:12 AM
Now u try to flash the latest version of WM5 2.03a 32
as i ve explain it in that web forum
it ll work INSha Allah
read all discussions in that forum Pls


16-06-2006, 03:34 AM
hi dear Dr. Samuray
hope you did fine in exam>>
i have a big problem .. on memory ..storage i have just 0.96 mb free !!!of 30.53
i just have 0.5 mb on my document & 7 mb on program files & 3 mb on rings
& there is nothing on temp folder & nothing on recycle bin
most my document & programs is on SD card so :
where i'm losing my storage????????????????????
i feel that (0.5mb ) it make my pda very slow
is i'm raite ??
but memory program there is 25 mb free of 56 mb ( no problem)
ramdisk 61mb free of 63mb
what to do ?? where is my storege ???
can i incrise it from program memory or from ramdisk??
( from ramdisk i don't think so )
please help

thanks dear

16-06-2006, 01:50 PM
Hi dear ,,, still i m prepairing for exam
it is on 6/7/2007 hop Allah will bless & give success
i dont know what u did ti terminate ur storage
may be some programms were working like recorder have recorded ( bottun is pressed in ur pocket)
anyhow if u cant find the cause ,, just formate & MAKE IT EASY

i dont know why u didnt use WM 2.03a 32 ww
which is giving more memory for the programm memory
The usage of prog memory is limited for it only for now
So u should be carful using ur main storage memory

For example i ve still 14 mb free in my storage & 62 mb in prog memory
i ve used RAMDISK of 32 & remaining only 10 mb ( i ve installed music players & book readers with some tools only

So u readjust ur device it would be better
i dont know if SACAMAN is having another openion

Take care

16-06-2006, 02:40 PM
Miky see this link


u will enjoy it

17-06-2006, 12:10 AM
dear samuray
it sims like the admistater close the linke

i'm so sade for you .. it was a very nice worke ..
(7aram wallah)
even i did't instal the prgrams that you put it there .. the new menu & the voice dialing ..
so bad .. ( i think it all becoz the crake)
meby if you edit the page & delete the crake ... thay will reternet to work

if not .. so u can putet on shrouk forum

regards & fell sorry about what hapen to you

17-06-2006, 11:35 PM
Thanks Miky
this is the topic again ,,, enjoy it & prey for me

Click here to see the topic (http://www.ce4arab.com/vb7/showthread.php?p=430546#post430546)

:p :thumbup:

22-06-2006, 08:15 PM
أشكرك على المشاركة الرائعة.وبصراحة أستفدت منها كثيرا, وكذاك من مشاركات بقية الأعضاء. لكن للأسف لم تفلح الروم معي . لدى أتمنى المساعدة في الحصول على الروم المتوافق مع الجهاز التالي: xdalli (http://www.my-xda.com/xda2i_soft3.html)
علما أني جربت الكثير من الروم الموجودة بمشاركات بعض الأعضاء لكن دون جدوى
وسأكون مدينا لهذا المنتدى ولكل من يمكنه المساعدة............وشكرا

06-07-2006, 02:35 PM
Dear Miky, the Samurray & every one can help
I can not make syncronyz with the PC
I'm using Activsync 4.1
The syncroniz was working perfectly with 2003se
Now I downloaded the arabic rom from this link
The salat is missing, syncronyz with my PC and I tried another PC but I failed
Arabic calander not working
Please help
Due to the faliar to Syncroniz I can not get my tel. no.'s, I can not go back or upgrade the wm to use prober one.

Please help help help

:wacko: :( :rolleyes: :mad: :o

06-07-2006, 02:37 PM
Dear Miky, the Samurray & every one can help
I can not make syncronyz with the PC
I'm using Activsync 4.1
The syncroniz was working perfectly with 2003se
Now I downloaded the arabic rom from this link
The salat is missing, syncronyz with my PC and I tried another PC but I failed
Arabic calander not working
Please help
Due to the faliar to Syncroniz I can not get my tel. no.'s, I can not go back or upgrade the wm to use prober one.

Please help help help

:confused: :mad: :( :o

07-07-2006, 03:42 PM
Thanks God
The activsync request the internet connection to go to trubble shutting in Activsync site
There I found the solution that the Fire wall is the problem and now all my data are in the PPC
Thanks god
;) :thumbup:

28-09-2006, 09:00 AM
nice ahmdhasn


05-11-2006, 08:26 AM
انا المغبون صاحب جهاز PDA2k قمت بتحديثه منذ فتره لكي يصبح 2005 win وكانت اكبر اخطائي وهذه هي مواصفات الوندوز حاليا:
G .1337.42
D 5.03.02
فهل يتعطف علي احدكم ويعطيني رابط ل virsion احدث مع تبيان كيفية ال upgrade
شاكرين مهللين

17-11-2006, 09:21 PM
بارك الله فيك على هذا المجهود الرائع والمميز

24-11-2006, 09:12 PM
مشكور اخوي

27-12-2006, 08:58 PM
مشكووووووووووووووووو ر

09-01-2007, 01:57 AM
Would you please check this one and advise your professional openion

Jazak Allah Khear

21-01-2007, 09:48 AM
hi lbasha
i loose my Himalaya long time ago
and i can't see any rom is the best now
but you can try helmi's one or the c_shekar one
is the best due that c_shekar give a support for it


23-01-2007, 10:11 AM
Are u going to joine us here
;) ;) ;)
I have been using latest c_shekhar for a week now without problem even with arabic but he is reluctant to share his kitchen that I think based on Helmi's test1

09-02-2007, 01:10 PM
Would you please evaluate my rom
The subject is here
and the link is here
I think you will love it

19-04-2007, 02:48 AM
صراحة انا اشكرك على ابداعك المستمر و خدمتك لكل الاعضاء،ويكفيك انك من الاوائل في اصدار نسخة عربية من الويندوز الجديد..

على كل حال دائما اي موضوع ياخذ وقت ليبدا الاعضاء بالتفاعل معه.....

واشكرك كثيرا على جهدك وا بداعك المستمر

20-04-2007, 05:12 PM
Would you please evaluate my rom
The subject is here
and the link is here
I think you will love it

Woow Goooooooood job man
sorry for the delay i dont read this tread long time ago
but better to say it even if it's late

good job man